• Looking after our lochs, loughs, lakes and llyns

  • Sharing experience, expertise and good practice

  • A network of practitioners, interest groups & individuals

  • Our lakes need protection for the benefits of future generations

  • Bringing together different organisations

United Kingdom & Ireland Lakes Network

The UK and Ireland Lakes Network is an association of people and organisations who have an interest in managing lakes through a whole catchment approach.

We acknowledge that this is only achievable through the sharing of the experience and expertise we have jointly gained so far.

The number of organisations and individuals with an interest and commitment to lake quality is growing. However different groups see lakes in different ways, depending on their objectives.

UKILN brings together all those different organisations, ranging from national regulators to local interest groups and specialist professionals. It covers the whole variety of lake issues from the environment to local community needs, leisure uses and legal requirements through to the more intangible values such as their cultural and spiritual qualities.

More about UKILN…


Find out whatโ€™s going on in and around our lakes

This website features information provided by different interest groups in the form ofย bulletins, event listings and in-depth articles.

Learn more