Draft 2019 UKILN Conference ProgrammeThis year the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA, Ireland) are hosting the United Kingdom and Ireland Lake Network (UKLIN) Conference on the 16th and 17th of October 2019 in Westport.
This year’s theme is “Lakes – protecting, enhancing, restoring”. The theme encompasses activities from monitoring to actions on the ground to protect, enhance and restore lakes. The thread running through the conference will be the Water Framework Directive (WFD), in a broad sense. The purpose of the conference is to show how everyone plays a role in bringing about good water quality and habitat conditions. It is to illustrate how our activities are linked and form building blocks. It is through working together that achieving good water quality is possible.
The proposed schedule is to have a day of presentations on the 16th of October followed by a fieldtrip to the Marine Institute Facility at Newport on Lough Feeagh and other lakes in the West on the 17th of October.
For more information, see the 2019 UKILN Conference Poster v2
And the full conference programme Draft 2019 UKILN Conference Programme
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