Summary of UK and Ireland Lakes Network Conference 2023

Urgency, Innovation and Collaboration for Lakes, Lochs & Wetlands

The Seven Lochs Partnership hosted the 2023 UK and Ireland Lakes Network Conference in Glasgow on 10th and 11th October.

Over two days delegates experienced a trio of thought provoking site visits in the Seven Lochs Wetland Park and Strathclyde Country Park, and received a series of papers which provided:

  • European context: climate change impacts on lakes and water systems,
  • progress with sustainable urban drainage retrofitting in Glasgow through the City Deal,
  • a range of examples of partnership and collaborative working and community engagement with lakes, and;
  • lightening talks on tools for lake management.

John Pinder, Chair of the UK and Ireland Lakes Network in summing up said

“The site visits and papers have reflected the theme of the conference ‘Urgency, Innovation and Collaboration’, and delegates have had the opportunity to make new and rekindle existing connections with others working on lakes. Many thanks to all those who supported, hosted and attend the conference for making it a success”.

Conference presentations: