Tag Archives: wetlands

Do you know a wetland? Can you help with a worldwide survey?

Knowledge about the status and trends of the worlds remaining wetlands is very patchy and limited. To improve this knowledge, and to better inform wetland policy and decision-making,  a simple worldwide questionnaire survey to gather better knowledge on the state of wetlands is being undertaken now.

 Who is organising the survey?

The survey is a collaborative initiative between the Society of Wetland Scientists (SWS Ramsar Section), the World Wetland Network (WWN) and the Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT), with the help of the Ramsar Convention Secretariat.

How can you help?

Are you familiar with a wetland? If yes, then you can help: the survey is open to anyone who can tell us about the state of a wetland(s), small or large, about which they know. The questionnaire asks for your opinion about the state of a wetland, and should take no longer than 10 minutes of your time to complete.
The survey will be open until the 30th September 2017, and results shared at the 2018 Ramsar Conference.

Find out more from the World Wetland Network here.

Or start the survey in English here.



Working Wetlands Survey


Wildlife-rich wetlands can work hard for us, storing and cleaning our water and helping to reduce the impacts of flooding and erosion, as well as being a source of enjoyment and well-being for us all. The Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) would like to know where such working wetlands exist in the UK and highlight all of their multiple benefits.
Please take part in WWT’s online survey if you know of an example of where wetland habitats have been created as part of:
· Natural flood management schemes;
· Sustainable drainage systems (SuDS);
· Coastal managed realignment;
· Constructed treatment systems/wetlands to improve water quality;


On this webpage, you will be able to view an interactive map with information on the working wetlands that have already been identified. WWT will develop this site further over the coming months adding further detailed evidence about the benefits of multi-functional wetlands.

By taking the survey, you will help build this comprehensive online evidence directory. Together we will help benchmark wetlands that demonstrate multiple benefits for people and wildlife to raise standards and ambitions. The survey results will also help answer the call from policy makers for more evidence in this area.
Thank you for taking part in this exciting new initiative.

The survey will remain open until 28th April 2017.
For further information, please contact: Chloe.Hardman@wwt.org.uk