Programme – LIFE Blue Lakes Capacity Building Workshop
14:00 – Moderation and Welcoming
Udo Gattenlöhner, Global Nature Fund
Plastic waste and plastic litter – A general problem
Nina van Zinnicq Bergmann, International Waste Platform
No Microplastics – Just Waves. The mission of the LIFE Blue Lakes Project
Bettina Schmidt, Global Nature Fund
The Lake Paper – Solution approaches for Communities in Italy and Germany
Fabrizio Soddu, Legambiente
Interactive Session 1 – Breakout Rooms
14:50 – Break
15:00 – Why do we need a Standard Monitoring Protocol for microplastic pollution in lakes?
Maria Sighicelli, Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development (ENEA) and Valentina Della Bella, Environmental Protection Agency of Umbria (ARPA UMBRIA)
Do we know occurrence, removal and fate of microplastics in municipal drinking and wastewater treatment plants?
Francesco Fatone, Polytechnical University Marche
Participatory process to involve companies of the outdoor, tyre and cosmectic industry
Dimitri Vedel, Lake Constance Foundation
Improving the existing legal framework at European level through the development of a Lake White Paper
Leonardo Gatta, Central Apennines River Basin District Authority (ABDAC)
Interactive Session 2 – Breakout Rooms
Closing session. Conclusion and outlook
16:00 – End of event
The participation in the event is free of charge. A registration is necessary. Please register for the event under the link below. You will receive the dial-in information by e-mail after registration.